
California’s State President
Virginia Riding

 Gamma Chapter, Valley District 

   California’s 2024-2026 theme:

Sisters By Choice: Forever Friends

About my banner: Almost 21 years ago, a fellow teacher convinced me to join Alpha Delta Kappa. In Alpha Delta Kappa, I have been able to discover the joy of having the best kind of sisters: sisters by choice. Many of these sisters have grown into my forever friends: the kind that have your back no matter what, who will laugh and cry with you, and who you look forward to being around. This kinship inspired my theme. But the logo had me stumped. Fortunately, two of my sisters by choice gave me some great advice: why not choose a symbol of friendship?

All that was left was putting it all together. Now I have many talents, but art is not one of them. I do, however, have our son, Andy, who took after his very talented father Bob, and who also knew exactly what to create. Did I forget to mention that he’s a graphic artist? And that he also draws beautiful Celtic knots, the symbol of friendship that my sisters by choice suggested?

Here’s the finished product. Isn’t it beautiful? Andy created a modified Celtic knot with a purple heart in the middle. There’s the theme “Sisters by Choice: Forever Friends” around the knot with violets on one side and our ADK logo on the other. A banner below states the three things that our sisters said are most important to them in our organization: Altruism, Diversity, and Kinship. Well, they actually said fellowship, but those initials would have been ADF, and I wanted ADK. So kinship it was.

The banner is adorned by California poppies. It is all backed by a beautiful variegation of purple and green, two of our official colors. The third color, gold, shows up in the lettering.


2023-2025  International Logo

Our new International President, Anne Marie Brown, presented the theme for the 2023-2025 International biennium:  Bridge to the Future.  The elements of the new logo include a sun representing tomorrow as a new day. The four birds represent our four founders.  The seven regions are represented by the seven vertical lines.  The modern swipe upward conveys motion and is supported by the seven regions.  The three  colors of green, yellow and purple  created a modern colorized Delta.

Here is a link to the International website:



Photos from the International Convention

  1. California attendees
  2. Diana Galvan and Dorothy Vaio
  3. Our certificate for creating The Greek Squad, Karen Kirby, Rosena Kruley, Diana Galvan, Debbie Waltzer.

Honor a Sister

Did you know you can honor an A∆K sister by making a donation to the Foundation in her name? You can download the donation form on the International website and send your donation ($25 minimum) to:

The Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation
1615 W 92nd St
Kansas City, MO 64114-3210