CA State Altruistic Project Chairman 2022-2024
Susan Blough, Zeta
5231 Clark Cr.
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 349-0125
- Letter from CA State Altruistic Project Chairman Susan Blough
- Description of the CA Altruistic Project Process (Revised 2023)
- CA State Altruistic Project Application 2024-2026
California State Altruistic Project 2024-2026
Camp Kesem
Camp Kesem is a program for children, ages 6 – 18, whose parents are in cancer treatment, are cancer survivors, or who have lost their battle with cancer. Most organizations focus on cancer research or treatment; but there are 5 million children nationwide coping with a parent’s cancer diagnosis. Kesem creates experiences and a sense of community to support these children who often feel anxiety, emotional isolation, loss of social interest, and feelings of hopelessness. This support includes its flagship program Camp Kesem, a free, fun-filled summer camp, as well as year-round support, communication, and “Friends and Family Days.” Program chapters are on college campuses where Kesem recruits student leader volunteers, With oversight and guidance from Kesem, they undergo extensive training on how to create an environment where these children will feel safe and respected as they cope with their parents’ diagnosis, The volunteers also receive leadership training as they are responsible for yearlong fundraising, organizing, hosting the camp, and being camp counselors. There are 130 nationwide chapters serving 7,000 children and 22 chapters in California including many UC campuses and state universities. It has the goal to serve at least 10,300 children by 2025. All Kesem programs are provided at no cost to families thanks to the generosity of individuals, foundations, and corporate partners, California A∆K funds will be allocated to cover costs to allow as many children as possible to attend Camp Kesem.
International Altruistic Projects 2023-2025
- St Jude Children’s Research Hospital
- Alzheimer’s Association.
California’s Alpha Delta Kappa team for “The Longest Day” Alzheimer’s fundraising activity is called “California Cares”.
Go to and select “California Cares” or click this link: The Longest Day In 2023 California raised over $10,000.
Start thinking and planning now for a chapter or friends activity to support this project.
CA Educators Helping Educators Crisis Fund
Click this link to download the application to your computer:
CA EHE App Rev 08.10.20