Excellence in Education Chairman 2022-2024
The California Alpha Delta Kappa Executive Board is looking for a sister to chair this committee. If you are interested, contact CA President Rosena Kruely.
The Excellence in Education Award recognizes members of Alpha Delta Kappa for their outstanding contributions to education. To be eligible, the nominee must be an active member in good standing, be actively engaged in the education profession and be under contract in teaching, administration or some specialized field of education. The nominee is nominated by a colleague or parent. The Excellence in Education committee will base their decision on professional dedication, knowledge, skills, professional achievement and success, school/community collaboration, contributions to the educational process and active involvement in Alpha Delta Kappa.
$200 is rewarded to the California State recipient of this award to help with her expenses to attend the Southwest Regional Conference. If selected as the regional recipient, the nominee is encouraged to attend the International Convention where winner of the $5000.00 award is announced. $2,500 of the award goes to the recipient; the other $2500 goes to the recipient’s school.
Download the appropriate information and applications from the Alpha Delta Kappa International website: Alpha Delta Kappa Excellence in Education Award Program Guidelines