California State President Virginia Riding’s 2024 -2026 Goals

Goal 1 – Inclusion and empowerment

The vision statement of the Guiding Principles For Alpha Delta Kappa Members that was adopted by the International Chapter in June of 2023 states that we should strive to achieve a world that values diversity, all people, and quality education. That is why the word diversity is on my banner. 

Our chapters need to reflect diversity in races, cultures, and religious beliefs, as well as age, educational occupations, political opinions, and more. No longer is it acceptable, or even desirable, to exclude potential members for arbitrary differences. Inclusion and empowerment of all women educators must be our goal.

Goal 2 – Continue with a communication/technology group to give members support on the use of technology and supporting struggling chapters.

We will continue to step into the future and expand the programs Rosena Kruley introduced. The Greek Squad will assist members with technology concerns, we will have a combination of in-person and zoom meetings to allow members who are unable to travel to attend.

Goal 3 – Open lines of communication with the chapters to ensure that any chapters struggling to remain active are encouraged to notify the Board in time for intervention.

Liaisons to the Councils will include in presentations at all Council meetings a message that the Board would like to hear of any issues in the chapters.  Any issues raised at the time of the meeting or afterward will be included in the Liaison summary and reported to the State President immediately. Chapters will have an opportunity at each District Conference to discuss any concerns with the Executive Board

Goal 4 – Increase membership.  

Finally, there is the ultimate goal, the goal that has been every state president’s since our organization began: to increase membership. This is no small issue. There is a desperate need to recruit new members and reverse current membership trends. Trends that, if they are allowed to continue unchanged, spell the end of our organization. We must find ways to make Alpha Delta Kappa meaningful and valuable to our California sisters.